
Thursday, September 8, 2011

My schedule looks like this right now: I feel like a robot.

Literally. I work 830-4, work second job 4-7, work out 7-8, eat dinner 8-9, and hopefully end up in bed around 10.

Kyle's schedule is exactly the same, so for right now, this works for us. I didn't really mean to be working this second, part time job each day but it sort of turned into that, which while Kyle has his second, part time job of coaching, it's fine. I'm counting on this only being the case for the Fall (hopefully!). And we're not psycho about working out, but until Oct. 29th when we run the 10k, we have to be.

And speaking of training for the 10k, its going ok. I just really don't enjoy running. It's not my thing. And I'm okay with it. So, I'll keep training to have done this once, but I think I'll be done with running long distances after that. Not to mention, my knees HATE me right now. I'm hoping changing shoes might work because my-knees-going-thumb-after-mile-3 probably isn't a good thing. ;)

In other news, I'm waiting for some fabric to arrive so I can attempt my first upholstery project. More deets and pics soon!